Prevent erosion and control sediment
Erosion prevention and sediment control are very important for grading operations conducted during the rainy season period, usually between October 1st and April 30th each year. Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control measures are an integral part of preliminary grading plans, and by ordinance must be shown on them.
Sediment is a pollutant of concern in local streams, the San Francisco Bay, and the Monterey Bay. Stormwater runoff from improperly conducted grading operations contributes to sediment pollution of local waterways. Increased sediment over the natural level is harmful to aquatic organisms and contributes additional mineral loads to streams and bays. It also increases the cost of stream maintenance, due to the additional expense for the removal of excess sediment.
Use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for erosion prevention and sediment control reduces the sediment load in local waterways. Please see sections C12-411, C12-435(d), and C12-517 of the Grading Ordinance (attached below) for additional information.
County of Santa Clara Grading Ordinance
StormwaterOne - Free Stormwater Management webinars
California State University Fullerton – Stormwater Management - online course
California State University Sacramento – Stormwater Training
Training videos - Storm Water Program
California Stormwater Quality Association Best Management Practices handbooks
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Construction Best Management Practices